Friday, August 29, 2008

Casino, Machines A Sous

Category: Finance.

Le casino est soit un lieu de d�tente et de plaisir, soit un enfer d ou on sort la t�te baiss�, si ce n est pas ruin� a cause d une folle pulsion qui est de d�penser tout notre argent.

Le casino doit rester aux yeux du joueur une activit� oisive et en aucun cas devenir un endroit ou l on veut absolument gagner de l argent. Voici quelques conseils afin d �viter cette ruine. Le casino ne doit en aucun cas devenir l espace dans lequel on esp�re gagner la somme exig�e afin de subvenir a nos besoins vitaux. Le jour o� on ne peut pas se permettre d aller au casino, on ne s y dirige simplement pas. Au casino, nous d�pensons uniquement l argent du compte loisir. (Et pas tout l argent du compte loisir car il existe encore mille et une belles fa�ons de d�penser son argent loisir: cin�ma, concerts, restaurants, surprise a notre conjointe, etc. ) Ne jamais emprunter de l argent afin de jouer au casino. Le casino est un jeu et ne doit aucunement nous entra�ner dans des dettes. Ne jamais entrer dans un casino avec une carte bleue ou un ch�quier en poche.

Celui qui croit que la somme qu il va gagner remboursera toutes ses dettes se trompe. Sous l emprise du jeu, il est facile de d�penser aveuglement. Venir au casino avec une somme liquide que l on est pr�t a perdre est la meilleure et seule fa�on de sortir du casino avec le m�me sourire qu on avait a l entr�e. Tout comme l amour, le poker �galement rend aveugle le joueur. Evitez de jouer sous l influence d alcools ou d autres m�dicaments( les lecteurs concern�s se reconna�tront) . Ne pas consid�rer le casino comme une �chappatoire a nos diff�rents soucis quotidiens ou psychologiques.

Au casino, il faut garder sa t�te froide et raisonnable. Le casino ne peut nous en aider en rien, il ne peut, au contraire qu aggraver notre situation actuelle qui ne deviendra que de plus en plus mauvaise. Et car par sa faute �galement, il y a une quantit� �norme de joueurs pathologiques, maladie grave que l on a tendance a mettre sous le tapis. Car le casino a beaucoup de dangers. Le jeu compulsif est souvent appel� le jeu" mal cach�" . Le gars qui a fum� un joint se reconna�t souvent � ses yeux rouges, celui qui a bu un peu trop se fera rep�rer par une haleine d alcool in�vitable m�me apr�s un brossage de dents.

Il n y a en effet aucune signe ext�rieur qui peut nous alerter de la pr�sence d un joueur compulsif. Mais celui qui vient de d�penser maladivement ses sous au casino est m�connaissable. Le joueur compulsif c est tout aussi bien le jeune adolescent qui pense se faire de l argent facilement et qui se retrouve a dix neuf ans avec des dettes jusqu au cou. Le joueur compulsif peut se retrouver partout et sur pratiquement toutes les tranches d age. Le joueur compulsif c est �galement cette grand m�re qui se retrouve seule a s ennuyer chez elle et dont le sentiment d inutilit� soudaine la conduit malgr� elle vers les jeux a sous. Casino, machines a sous.

Ces jeux lui feront perdre d un coup toutes les �conomies qu elle a prestigieusement gard� au fil des ann�es. Que vous dire? parfois j ai envie de vous insulter et pourtant d autres fois vos services me plaisent bien. Casino je t aime, casino je te hais.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finding Out Which Penny Stocks To Trade: Time And Experience

Category: Finance.

Penny stocks are inexpensive, highly speculated stocks, lesser priced that can be found sold at$ 99 or less per share.

Thus these stocks are highly speculative. In minutes, these penny stocks can rise or fall 100s of percentage points, occasionally as much as 400% . For the penny stock investor, it can be extremely profitable. the risk is significantly less if you know what you are doing. In order to maximize our profits we are making use of a number of trades using small low risk sums that snowball into the big money. Finding out which Penny Stocks to trade: Time and Experience. Often, Penny stock traders put in the time, months and years to get a feel of the market and develop a penny stock profit gut instinct.

Penny Stock Analysis Systems. After analysing trends, making money on, data some and others, can he develop an understanding on how to trade penny stocks, and even them he can still on his picks. There are many" penny stock trading systems" available. The main problem is systems takes a lot of time and effort in order to study historical trends. These systems help you identify trends and profitable opportunities as they happen. Two computer programmers have created a piece of software which do the following: -Scans stocks looking for companies which are forming bullish trading patterns. -Companies who stocks show signs of increase. -Records historical information constantly. -Learns more and more over time. -Outputs recommendations of stocks it thinks should be bought and sold. In the volatile penny stock trades market, not every prediction and recommendation by the software will be correct.

These recommendations are only made when the software is confident in the outcome, based on the huge amount of data it has analyzed. In other words. the software cannot predict every possible outcome. The software does account for the trade recommendations which do not work out and is reported to create gains of 1028% per week.


Finance Lease Agreement - Joanna Marinucci about Finance:

In the context of finance, an asset is any material owned by an individual or a company, which has a cash value.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Internet Is Accurately The Means, Which Transforms The Dynamics Of Brokerage Industry

Category: Finance.

Many industries have profited from data exchange over the Internet but they face several impediments when it comes to the actual transfer of physical products. The Internet is accurately the means, which transforms the dynamics of brokerage industry.

Only with online brokerage industry, transactions occur where" information" is sold as a commodity without the transfer of physical goods. Within the financial services, Internet trading is the first industry to maximize the Internet s potential and quickly build a substantial customer base. Online brokerage offers ultra high speed and highly convenient information analysis to online traders. Online brokerage has gained inconceivable resources through cost- effective access to capital markets across the world. The number of household trading stocks online has grown astonishingly making the investor community shift towards online. This gives him the brokerage commission irrespective of whether the customer gains or loses in the whole transaction and secondly, as a full service broker in which he acts as an advisor or manager of the client s portfolio. In the traditional training system the brokers have been absolute control over a customer s investment choice where the brokers act in two capacities- first the role of a" gate keeper" in which he collects rent from his customer for his accessibility to stock markets.

In an online brokerage system, the two basic factors are the speed and cost and online brokerage aims to simplify online interaction for the investors. This guarantees a one- stop shop experience to investors when the trading systems are tied in by technology in entirety. Therefore the entire trading circuitry must be linked online. Since in an online brokerage there is no need for any human contact, to control and manage risks the ongoing automated screening is important. This needs online real time access to clients and also to historical data. The screening includes checking availability of funds or scripts, trading volumes and, trading history payment defaults. Also the trading system should be able to acquire intelligence from every transaction.

Commission and fees: It should be noticed whether the commission is based on the type or size of the order and there is any additional fees like inactivity fees or closing account fees. While choosing an online broker, it is important to notice the following: The type of trader: For a person trading often, lowest commission is important and for an occasional trader, a broker offering good customer service is important. All investment accounts in one place: whether any other trade investments other than stocks can be made like mutual funds or ETF. It can also be verified through articles online about the broker to check his genuinity. Security: It should be double- checked whether the personal information of the trader and his account are secure with the broker. Online brokerage industry will continue to grow dramatically which is evident from the increase in the number of investment brokers aiming for an online presence. Therefore, Internet has become the most important distribution channel of the future and online brokerage service is a rapidly growing industry.


There Are A Lot Of Free Amortization Calculators Available On Several Websites - Mandy Boldt about Finance:

It can be said that most people all over the world have either involved themselves in an amortization process in the past or are doing so right now.

Being Debt Free Is Truly Possible - Finance Articles:

What is it you wanted to get from being debt free?

It Takes Time, But Eventually Business Owners Will Respond - Finance Articles:

One cannot but wonder at the sudden interest. Data shows that in 2006, the small business sector spent$ 9 trillion.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Credit History Is No Factor To Decide The Credibility Of The Borrower

Category: Finance.

The people who are afraid they will be refused approval when they take up loans are usually the ones who either do not have a credit history to prove their credibility or have a low credit score.

The borrowers can get the money they require for any personal needs through these loans. For such borrowers, there is an opportunity that will be available to virtually any borrower and it is called no credit check loans. No checks are made on the borrower s financial history. These loans are available to the borrowers through the secured or the unsecured form. Even if they have a bad credit history, it will not be taken into consideration and they will be considered equals with the people who do not have a history altogether. It is up to the borrowers that they should decide which loan deal will suit them better. The unsecured form however does not require any collateral to be pledged and the money is available within the range of �1000- �25000 to suit the borrower s needs.

Secured form of the money will require pledging an asset and will offer money in the range of �5000- �75000 for a term of 5- 25 years. The term of repayment for these loans is 6 months to 10 years. Expenses made on weddings, debt consolidation, education, travel, car purchase, medical procedures, home improvement etc can be all managed with the borrowed money. Any personal needs of the borrower can be sufficed to with the borrowed money. Bad credit borrowers too have the liberty to take up these loans for their needs. So the borrowers who research online and compare the loan deals have an edge over other borrowers and get lower rates. Online researching for these loans helps in getting lower than usual rates as the credit check is not done which leads to a higher rate.

Through no credit check loans, the borrowers can get money for their needs without their credit history being valued. The credit history is no factor to decide the credibility of the borrower.


It Helps To Have A Good Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loan - Finance Articles:

This article contains all the fundamental facts about loan and hopes to cater to your need of finding information about loan.

Having Difficulty Finding A Cheap Auto Insurance Rate - Finance Articles:

Having difficulty finding a cheap auto insurance rate?

Exactly What Are Wholesale Prices - Karla Chi about Finance:

Consumers looking for a great buy on a product are often drawn to sales at their local department store, or factory outlet, retail chain. Beyond this option there is another important way for you to save and that involves buying wholesale.

Monday, August 25, 2008

In Fact, You Do Not Even Have To Own A Home Or Car To Qualify For One Of These Loans

Category: Finance.

Description: At the very basic, there are only two types of loans in the market today- those that require collateral and those that don t.

It would be nice to be able to get out of debt without having to risk repossession of your home, or other property, car. If you don t like to risk your property, then guaranteed consolidation loans are for you. That kind of solution can really remove a lot of stress from a debtor. You can then repay all of your debts without fear of losing your home or other valuable property. That is exactly what you can get if you take out a guaranteed consolidation loan. In the world of today, almost all people have debt.

If you happen to have multiple debts, then you have a great understanding of how much stress balancing multiple debts can be. If you are lucky enough not to have a mortgage, you likely have a credit card or other form of debt. Thankfully, if you meet certain criteria, you can qualify to get a consolidation loan. In fact, you do not even have to own a home or car to qualify for one of these loans. Guaranteed consolidation loans are unsecured loans, called so because they do not require that the borrower provide collateral such as a home. All you need to qualify is to be able to prove a good credit rating and employment history.

Many people still opt for unsecured loans, because they either are not owners of valuable property or they do not wish to put said property at risk to get a loan. The downside to guaranteed consolidation loans, and all unsecured loans, is that they carry a higher interest rate than secured loans. It is best to apply for these loans before you default on existing loans, as default status will damage your credit and make obtaining a loan difficult if not impossible. Tey use this information to determine if you will be able to repay a loan if they give you one. The providers of these guaranteed consolidation loans will always look at your employment history. Applying for a loan is not a guarantee that you will receive one, and if you want to feel secure that you will get a loan, you will need to have a good employment history and a good credit score.

For many people who are mired in debt, consolidation loans present a solution to getting out of debt without having to resort to bankruptcy. There are a large number of loan providers on the internet and it is quite helpful to select a few that you think are best and compare the rates and terms offered by each one. Across different providers of consolidation loans, there are different approval times. Since consolidation loans do not require any collateral, they would be more particular about your employment and your credit history. Some providers, make an instant, however decision on whether you qualify for consolidation loans or not. Missing out on your loan payments or a bankruptcy filing are all tell tale signs might not get approved. Credit reports are not always updated and may even reflect bad credit scores.

Since there are weaknesses in the credit report system, you better check your credit reports after each payment of your loans. Providers of consolidation loans always ask you for a credit report to check if you are so- called" credit worthy" . Be sure to have your credit report handy, and you just might get your ticket out of debt. If you have a lot of debt but still have good credit, it is worth applying for a guaranteed consolidation loan.


One Point Is Equal To One Percent Of The Amount Of The Second Mortgage - Ronda Cottrill about Finance:

The cost of a San Francisco second mortgage will vary for each homeowner depending on several different factors.

Also Note That The ACRX Cards Will Come To Your Organization Already Pre- Activated - Finance Articles:

Charles Myrick the President of American Consultants Rx announced the re- release of the American Consultants Rx community service project where over 20 million ACRX discount prescription cards were donated throughout the country.

This Way You Can Use The Grace Period To Your Advantage - Finance Articles:

When you begin looking for the credit card that will fit you needs there are several things that you will want to look into.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Short Term Payday Loans Can Be Best Obtained From Online Lenders

Category: Finance.

If you are dealing with an emergency or unexpected need, shortage of finances can be tackled with the help of short term loans. The same applies for short term payday loans whose main task is to provide the borrower with instant access to finances.

These loans offer quick money so that the person can easily overcome the problems. Moreover, these loans can be conveniently repaid on the upcoming payday of the borrower. These loans are usually offered by the lenders on the basis of borrower s upcoming salary. As the name refers, short term payday loans are made available to the borrower for a period of 14- 31 days. This clearly states that these loans are meant for salaried borrowers. To avail the benefits of these loans, borrower must be employed for the past few months and earning a monthly income of not less than$ 100Based on these lenders approve amount in the range of$ 100- $1500 which gets deposited in to the borrowers bank account within 24 hours to meet the expenses.

The amount approved under these loans can be served to meet various urgencies like paying off medical bills, store utility bills, electricity bills, car repair, house repair etc. Although these short term loans are approved without any collateral, some lenders prefer to take a post dated check bearing the loan amount along with the fees. As the loans are unsecured in nature these loans have a very high interest rate. If there is any problem regarding the payment, it can be extended by paying an extra fee to the lender. This makes it a bit costly for the borrowers. Borrowers with bad credit can also apply for the loans as the lenders approve the loans without any credit check. However, there are some lenders who offer these loans at fairly competitive rates.

This not only helps the borrower to fulfill their needs, but by repaying the borrowed amount they get a chance to improve the credit score. The online lenders offer these loans at cheap rates due to the stiff competition among the lenders. Short term payday loans can be best obtained from online lenders. With so much of flexibility and accessibility, these loans provide the best viable option to meet the various demands easily.


Signals Are The Indications Of Market Conditions - Debora Booze about Finance:

Signals are the indications of market conditions. Obviously the market would fluctuate with each passing day.

Ningbo Is One Of The Largest Ports In China - Finance Blog:

This guide has been prepared by the Zetland Financial Group Limited and is intended for the information of clients or prospective clients. The information set out is not, nor is it intended to be, exhaustive.

Discounts On Business Travel - Arlene Fearn's Finance blog:

Discounts on Business Travel. As part of the service that some business credit card companies offer, they help arrange for your itineraries, emergency assistance abroad, bookings, and free travel accident insurance.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Market For Net- Leased Real Estate Investments Is Strong

Category: Finance.

Why are so many investors, placing their money, foreign and domestic in NNN properties?

Net- leased projects are most commonly single- tenant, credit- driven investments on long- term leases which require minimal or no landlord responsibility. Net- leased real estate provides a unique investment opportunity to individuals or institutions interested in owning real estate without the hassles of management and leasing typically found in conventional real estate investments. As a result, investors are not bound to their geographic markets, whereas they would most likely be with a traditional real estate investment, not just closely watched" backyard" opportunities. The investment appears to be a bond- type investment due to the" coupon- clipper" type of returns, 6% -10% . A net- leased( NNN) property is effectively a long- term bond of a corporation in the form of a lease document encompassed by real estate. However, they also provide the added benefits of tax reduction and property appreciation found in conventional real estate. Industrial includes facilities used for either distribution, or research and, manufacturing development.

The net- leased investment can be categorized three ways: Retail refers to big- box users( i. e. discount variety stores, or home improvement, department stores stores) as well as small- box users( i. e. restaurants or drug stores) . Office refers to any single user such as an oil company or pharmaceutical firm occupying a facility as the sole tenant. Although each of these variables has an important role in the pricing of net- leased projects, it is the combination of all three that will determine a true purchase price. Pricing on net- leased projects is based primarily on the tenant s credit, the terms of the lease, and the location. Tenant s Credit. Tenants considered investment grade by a recognized rating agency usually trade at a premium( i. e.

Many net- leased projects are based solely on a tenant s credit. Walmart, General Motors, Walgreens) . UA Theaters, Dairy Mart convenience stores, Taco Cabana restaurants) . Tenants with junk bond( non- investment grade) ratings or minimal net worth typically trade for a higher return( i. e. Lease. Primary terms of 15 or more years are preferred. 10 years is sufficient in 1031 tax- deferred exchanges and similar cases. * "Absolute" triple- net leases, where the tenant is responsible for roof, and parking, structure, trade at a premium. * "Double- net( NN) " leases, where the landlord is responsible for roof and structure, trade at a higher yield and usually include a reserve taken for any potential repairs.

Length of a lease is a another primary factor in determining the sales price on a net- leased investment. Leases with" bumps" - rental increases or upside trade at a premium, with the exception of flat leases with investment grade credit. NNN leases are credit- driven, causing location to be the least important factor. Location. Investors often pay an added premium for the residual benefit of specifying a certain geographic location. Walgreen: 20 year NNN, flat) or receiving a higher yield( i. e. The combination of credit, lease and location can lead to paying a higher premium( i. e.

CSK Auto: 15 year NN) . The availability of attractive financing combined with minimal landlord responsibilities create highly desirable opportunities, especially for investors desiring a property for an IRS Section 1031 tax- deferred exchange. The market for net- leased real estate investments is strong. Whether a risk- averse individual or institution is in need of a smart depreciation vehicle or a relatively safe" coupon- clipper, " net- leased properties provide great investments in both credit and real estate markets.


Typically, They Can Provide Finance From �500 To �15, 000 And Are Fairly Simple To Apply For - Kitty Mance's Finance blog:

Getting married?

Make A Plan- A Budget Is A Money Plan - Finance Articles:

The" B" word sends a shudder down the spine of many people.

Although Some Of These Credit Card Deals Are Genuine, Many Are Not What They Seem Or Are Even Complete Scams - Karla Chi's Finance blog:

If you have a credit card, or even if you don t, you have probably received a stack of credit card letters in the post, telling you that you are pre- approved for a great credit card deal. If you know want to make sure that you don t fall victim to these poor deals, then here is some advice on the ins and outs of credit card pre- approval.